Introducing Kobo

Ladies and gentlemen, allow us to introduce you to our new partner in eReading, Kobo. Since we launched Google eBooks a couple of years ago, we’ve been heartened by how many of you have made the choice to support your independent bookstore while reading digitally. Now, we’re thrilled to offer a new, improved eBook experience with Kobo.

Kobo offers over 3 million eBook titles. Their catalog is as thorough as any eBook retailer out there, their prices are competitive, their customer service is high caliber, and their eBooks are compatible with virtually any device (excluding Kindles). For all of the details about how to download Kobo eBooks to your specific device, visit our website,where we have more information about the partnership.

One of the most exciting parts of our new partnership is that we now sell eReaders. That’s right, you can head down to your local bookstore and pick up a beautiful, brand new Kobo eReader whose features and capabilities go toe to toe with comparable eReaders on the market. Stop by and ask one of our booksellers to show you one. We now carry two versions, the Mini ($79.99) and the Glo ($129.99).

We’re very excited to be able to bring you this new option for supporting your independent bookstore while reading digitally. If you were with us with our Google eBooks program, we hope you’ll join us in our new future with Kobo. (And if you did purchase Google eBooks from us, know that those eBooks continue to be accessible via your Google account, they don’t go anywhere. More information about the status of your Google eBooks is available on the Kobo FAQ page on our website.)

To the future, book lovers! And beyond!

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